Isolation of Fish Muscle cell

Summary of Project Jan – Mar 2020

Aim: Isolate, Culture and bioprint Salmon muscle cell.

Background: With the increasing demand for seafood and growing environmental concerns, “cellular aquaculture™” is becoming an essential solution of the problem rather than an alternative way to produce seafood. The main challenge is to make competitive end products with taste and design characteristics that resemble currently existing ones. This creates the necessity in reproducible cell models that can be used for both long-term research projects and for making competitive and sustainable food products in the near future. The best way to deliver such models is to implement 3D bioprinting techniques. In this study, CELLINK will focus on 3D bioprinting of fish muscle cells models in collaboration with an industrial partner (Christer Lagnell, the founder of Laxbutiken).




Cellcibus Isolation of Fish Muscle cell